Ízleld és lásd
Angolszász nyelvterületen népszerű egy keresztény dal, ami egy Sacré Coeur nővér, Janet Erskine Stuart verse alapján készült.
Mielőtt meghallgatjátok a dalt, érdemes rátekinteni a szövegre is, érdemes "ízlelgetni", olvasgatni, hiszen ez egy ima és sokat elárul Mere Stuart istenképéről.
Spirit seeking light and beauty,
Heart still longing for your rest
In your search for understanding,
Only thus can you be blest,
Through the vastness of creation,
Though your restless thought may roam,
God is all that you can long for,
God is all creation's home.
Taste and see God, feel and hear God,
Hope and grasp the unseen hand;
Though the darkness seem to hide you,
Faith and love can understand.
Loving Wisdom, guiding Spirit,
All our hearts are made anew.
Lead us through the land of shadows
'Til we come to rest in you.
Heart still longing for your rest
In your search for understanding,
Only thus can you be blest,
Through the vastness of creation,
Though your restless thought may roam,
God is all that you can long for,
God is all creation's home.
Taste and see God, feel and hear God,
Hope and grasp the unseen hand;
Though the darkness seem to hide you,
Faith and love can understand.
Loving Wisdom, guiding Spirit,
All our hearts are made anew.
Lead us through the land of shadows
'Til we come to rest in you.
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